Wow - Julia's hair is getting long! She's got enough now for pig-tails and especially enough for some amazing bed hair! When she gets up in the morning after pig-tails the day before and her on style of sleeping (borderline gymnastic) the effect is wild. The look defies gravity and gives the distinct impression that she has been frozen in time mid-air while jumping on the bed ... or papa. Cute!
She does have quite a "mop on top"!! But a very beautiful "mop" it is!!
You crack me up, Gabe. You've missed your calling--you should be writing for a comedy show. I love your sense of humor and the imagery you create.
you best be saving these posts for posterity.
Yeah, I have that kind of hair-do in mornings too.
Jake, do you have hair now?
hey, hey, hey, no wise cracks! Rogain, it really does work!
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