My wife and I have a lot of things in common. Love of eggnog is not one of those. I really love it! It is sweet, smooth and instantly reminds me of the holidays. Cheryl, on the other hand regards it much more like a cup of chilled snot. We'll just have to keep praying for her on that one.
Meanwhile, I had occasion to be in WalMart the other day and what do you know? The eggnog was out! They are already gearing up for the season. I didn't buy any ... but I did consider it.
Yep, "chilled snot". That is pretty darn close to how I think of eggnog. YUCK!!!
I cannot believe that you said "a can of chilled snot." That is unbelieveably funny and totally repulsive, probably the reason it's unbelieveably funny. I may never enjoy a cup of eggnog again.
I agree with Cheryl. Yuck. Why do the Landes boys like such weird things...Matt love saurkraut! Eww!
Eggnogg good. Saurkraut bad.
Saurkraut good (on Reubens only). Eggnog better!
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