The other day I was changing the oil in my car and you know where Isaac wanted to be - right in the middle of it! ... Literally! I had to warn him a few times to back up or he was going to get oil dumped on him. He wanted to work the jack, turn the plug and filter, pull out the dipstick, ... anything Papa did, Isaac wanted to do. And within reason, I let him. Yes, the job took quite a bit longer, but who cares. I can vividly remember when my dad would let me in on the mechanic-ing. Great times. I hope Isaac has some of those same memories.
he just wants to be like his Papa and what a GREAT Papa he has!!!
Yeah, maybe one day i can have Savannah working under the truck with me too!
What a great picture of a Dad and his son and you're right, things like that DO take longer, but it is SO worth the time!!
Yes, dear, I believe that you will find some very similar photos of you kids "working" with your dad on the cars. And, just like you with Isaac and Julia, your dad was tickled to have you underfoot.
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