Julia moved up this Sunday to the next class ... for bigger kiddos! Our little girl is growing up. True to form we were ready with the camera phone to document this momentous occasion. Julia was pretty ambivalent about the whole thing. As is often the case, this was probably much more of a big deal to her parents than it was to her. In fact I know it is the case.
I'm constantly amazed at every milestone. I'm caught off-guard at how fast they are growing up. They on the other hand take it all in stride, no doubt their overall demeanor buoyed by the constant air of achievement and sometimes frustrated when achievement tarries. In thinking about this odd dichotomy, it strikes me that this has likely been a part of life for all of history. Its an odd connection to thinking of my parents ogling my every change. It's even more awesome to think of Mary and Joseph watching Jesus grow like this.

Julia handled the promotion well, though. She was a happy camper most of the morning and topped it off by falling asleep on the changing table! The nursury workers placed her on a bean bag, and she snoozed the rest of her big event away right there.
1 comment:
Ok, it was bound to happen eventually. We blogged the same thing. Fun to read our different perspectives - Love you 1st!!!
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