Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Where have you been!?

What am I doing up at 12:30 am? I have been shamed into blogging again. I know, I KNOW. I'm the one who wassoooo gung ho about this and then I just disappear! OK - forgive me but I have been a bit busy lately! In fact I've been busier'n a one-armed paper hanger (ask an old-timer if you don't get that). Here is the scoop: I've been working my ever-loving tail off! My Clark Kent job is mild-mannered webmaster for Judson ISD and it has been anything but a mild summer! We're busy around the house, too and in the meantime I try to keep up sleeping and eating. But not tonight! I'm going to blog if it kills me! Actually I'm really missing this - there are some really fun things I need to put up and it is high time! So, here goes...

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