I got a wild hare last Friday and decided that I wanted to try something new ... homemade hotwings. The inspiration actually struch on Thursday while shopping at Costco. You know the Samples they offer at the end of every aisle? On one, they had a sweet sauce that I wound up buying - Mango Ginger HabaƱero Sauce! (This sauce is really tasty but not spicey hot at all).

So, Friday I was thinking about what I could make with that sauce when it struck me - this would make for great Hot Wings! I jumped up and headed to Academy and walked out with a deep frying kit and one gallon of peanut oil.

I never realized how easy Wings are! Seriously, if you have the pans and a thermometer, there is nothing to it. Heat the oil up to 325°, drop in some flour coated wings and pull them out when they are nicely browned. Then it is off to the sauce! I took several bowls and poured some of the new Mango sauce in one. I put two types of BarBQ sauce in the others. After rolling a couple of wings around in each one, we had a feast! We definitely went with very mild flavors this time around, but now that I know how, the possibilities are endless. Maybe next time, I'll try a homemade sauce!
If I get the wings will you cook some for us next week?
mmmmmm. wings. can't wait to try some.
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