Saturday, November 15, 2008

Go Fish, Isaac!

Cheryl is off to see her sister Karen, and enjoy a couple of days celebrating her birthday. That leaves Isaac, Julia and I home alone for the weekend. While the cat is away...! The kids and I headed out right behind her to pick up a pizza, bring it home and have a little "Game Night". Isaac finished eating a little earlier so he and I decide to play a "grown-up" - that means one of the games from the hall closet (where we keep the games that are just a bit over their head).

Isaac is pretty solid with number recognition, so what game would be better with that skill - GO FISH! He did great - even won! we did have to work a bit on the concepts, though. He didn't get at first that when I called for a card that he had, that was not something to get excited about and cheered for me when I did! So, I returned the favor - it was an exceedingly cordial game! He also needed help fanning his cards but beyond that, he picked up the game quickly. We had a blast! Julia even had fun watching for us while she ate! What a night!

1 comment:

Chattyb said...

Your a wonderful daddy, Son.