I love the latest trend in video games - games that let you really 'play' them. The "
Wii" is the best example but the one that has become my come-from-behind favorite is "Guitar Hero". If you haven't seen it, it is hard to explain. It is a small plastic guitar that serves as the controller - you've got 4 buttons out on the neck for the 'frets' and a little 'bar thing' where you would strum the strings. They put up a blazing metal song and you follow images on the screen that show ou when to strum and hit the buttons. It is as close to playing a blazing, melt your face off guitar solo as many will ever get and you don't have to grow your hair out or where any black and white makeup! Admittedly, I thought it was hokey... but play it once and you'll be hooked!

Here is the super (nerdy?) funny part: now, you too can play guitar hero at home... WITHOUT BUYING THE GAME! That is right - someone out there has heard the cries of all of us 'non-console' owners - the nerdy masses who still do all ther gaming on their PC! In a feat of Flash programming and some deftly, creative use of a standard keyboard the online version of Guitar Hero has arrived! Now you, too can (swallow your pride and) have a shot at this gaming phenomenom.
Check it out here!
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