My Father made the comment as he passed me. "It is the end of an era." He was walking away from the site where I was headed to help my brothers dig a grave for our family dog. Bandit was our companion for 15 years and he passed away during the weekend of our family reunion. He joined us after I left for college, so I only knew him from the summers I came home, but there was everything to like about this dog and nothing to dislike! I will not try to tell the stories my brothers and parents can tell, but I really liked him.
Dad's comment was very true, too. Bandit's time with our family was an era in our family. He came in right about the time that my brothers and I were on our way out of the house. He greeted us in Rosenberg an for the last decade in Arkansas. He saw us return in a variety of vehicles. He greeted our girlfriends and welcomed them into the family when they returned as wives. He even saw us bring home our children. While we were gone, he was a constant companion to my parents and close to a legend as a working dog. Stories of Bandit were just as much a part of the Landes 'lore' from this era as those of us his keepers.
It seems like it is the 'eras' that often make a better definition of our lives than the years. We remember our lives more often in terms of these brackets that we set around time. Maybe that is part of the pain. Bandit's passing pushes us out of a great era and into the next which is unknown. Our Creator God gave us many blessings. There are an infinite number of ways that he gives us joy! I'm thankful to Him for Bandit. And now, when one blessing goes, I'm challenged to trust His providence. But, I know he is faithful! Thank you, Lord, for Bandit.