Isaac is quite the builder these days. He has gotten very adept with blocks and train tracks. This AM he came and got me to show me his latest creation - he called it his 'playscape'. While the description involved play areas, it also included a cooking area (the stove's chimney can be seen on top of the nightstand - round, red block. He lost me a bit on a system that 'heated caulk', but it did include a pipe system that went through the whole thing, the floor and at some point ended up in the ceiling fan!
Cheryl mentioned the other day that he might be just about ready for Legos - Oh yeah!
That picture truly captures our boy!! I love that kid!!
Well, guess what! He has been playing with your Legos all week and loves them. He has built a boat that floats and has wheels. The word "amphibious" is now part of his extensive vocabulary.
He is such a little genius, our Isaac!
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