Monday, April 21, 2008

Taking a Break

What a great weekend - so much to blog. By golly, I'm going to blog it too! We took the weekend off and went to Coleman to see Cheryl's family this weekend and celebrate Julia's Birthday a little early with them since they couldn't make it down next weekend (Julia is 2 this week!). It was a great break and we made some fun memories. I haven't put up a blog post in a while so this one is just to prime the pump. Stay tuned!


Cheryl said...

are you going to be mad if I post the pics from the weekend first?! I am working on a post right now. You still need to tell the fishing story from your point of view. You are a much better story teller!! Love you 1st!!

Jake said...

uhhhhh...thought you said that you had a lot to blog about?