One of the big hits during this year's Christmas trip to Arkansas was the "Golf Ball Game". What is that? Well, that is a bit tough. It is a lot like horse-shoes with points being scored for throwing an item around a target, but the item is two golf balls connected with 14" of rope and the target is a PVC pipe contraption.
With our New Year's Eve Party in mind, I set out to make one of my own yesterday and it wasn't too bad. Isaac and I hit the Home Depot and got about 60 feet of 3/4" PVC, 12 T's and 12 elbows and the cord. Then we headed to Academy for the golf balls. I was a bit funny explaining to the eager sales person that I didn't need anything special - just 12 colored balls that could have a hole drilled through them.

The game took about an hour to make. I cut the PVC into it's pieces with my table saw and connected them to make the 'targets'. Then came the fun part - drilling holes in golf balls. I had a couple of slip ups which meant some scuffed up balls and one clamp with burned out pads where the ball got loose and spun on the bit. Isaac helped with every step, though and we finally got it all done!
I did meet someone else who has played it and they added some interesting rules, like the one where if you get all 3 throws on the same 'rung' you get to TRIPLE your score for that round!
If anyone out there knows of an official name or rules - I want to know!
quick update: I did some poking around on the web and found that this game is popular among camps and Boy Scouts and has several names including: snake toss, the snake game, montana golf and Ladder Ball. The rules vary pretty widely, too!
Here is one site with a pretty good description:
Camper Time
Hey Gabe! Are we going to get to play this game when we come up there for Isaac's Birthday???
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