Monday, December 31, 2007

The Family Farm

Our family farm is one of the most beautiful, peaceful places I have ever been. I remember with great affection the times that I spent there growing up and look forward to the times we can return. This Christmas was spent there in my parents' new home on the 'bee ridge' - where the bee hives used to be. Cheryl and I took a morning to go and photograph some of it and later that day, I caught an amazing sunset (although, amazing sunsets are somewhat the norm there). I've posted the photos with comments at Webshots. Below is a slideshow, but they really look better over at the album. Click here to go there now.

The Farm

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Fun of Family Photos

Cheryl and I do fancy ourselves quite the photographers. Our children lead a HIGHLY documented life. We have pictures of them doing just about everything and sometimes it is just too much for them. Today we set out to get some pics in their somewhat holiday attire. We trotted them out in our somewhat scene backyard and took no less than 83 shots of them ... including the one below. I think Julia had had enough! We did get a few good ones, though.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Overheard at the Landes House...

Tonight during dinner, we were enjoying each other, laughing, having a very enjoyable meal. Julia, being the little lady in training that she is, began to toot. This did stop the conversation a bit as she puttered along. Cheryl and I, always on the look out for a teachable moment, tried not to giggle. Cheryl prompted Julia, "What do we say?"

Julia, remembered her training and replied, "AMEN!"

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Julia Time by the Tree

I've blogged in the past about my times with Julia on Wednesday nights when Cheryl and Isaac are away. This past Wednesday was special. After our normal play and mischief we spent some time in the chair by the Christmas Tree. She was enthralled by the lights and kept going back to the chair next to the tree. She wanted to play with the ornaments and touch the lights. Her curiosity was as apparent as her awe at the spectacle of the whole thing. I tried to get some pictures, but the lighting wasn't good enough and she certainly wasn't going to suffer any long exposures. I did manage to get these two, though. They're good enough! What a great girl.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Have You Been "Elfed"

We did! We have had so much fun over the last couple of days. Cheryl came home from her Bible Study Tuesday night giggling about a video she had seen and said something about being elfed. Elfed? I wasn't sure if she had gotten into some bad hot chocolate, but she dragged me in to the computer and had me look at this website.

OK. This is funny. It is funny enough watching anyone in an elf costume do a funny dance to peppy Christmas music. But it is REALLY fun to watch yourself! This website allows you to upload a picture of yourself, position your face in a little oval and click GO! Next thing you know, YOU are the star of this little video! Here is our little chorus line:
If you get a chance go to and see the full video! ... Then, ELF Yourself!

The Cat is Out of Santa's Bag

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later! The names we drew for our gift giving this year got all mixed up and Mom had to bring it all out in the open to get everything cleared up before somebody got left out. The list hit the digital air yesterday, revealing all the givers and who their 'givee' would be.
Betty Landes to Billie, Tarah, Phyllis, Matt, Jake, Gabe, Don, Cheryl, April
Hey Dears,
Since there are two family members who do not remember whose name they drew for Christmas, I checked around and this is my best guess.

Drawor - Drawee
Don - Tarah
Betty - Phyl
Phyl - Betty
Billie - Don
Gabe - Jake
Cheryl - Matt
Matt - Gabe
April - Cheryl
Jake - Billie
Tarah - April
I am happy to report, though, that our good intentions are still intact as evidenced by this loving exchange of email that only serendipitously coincided with the list's publication:
Dear Matt,
Have I ever told you how much I appreciate you as a brother. Of all my family members I have always thought especially highly of you. Your generosity and the liberal way that you love those around you is wonderful. I just felt moved today to express this to you in a completely unmotivated way. You're swell!

Love, your brother that doesn't own a 40" flatscreen TV,
... and a quick response ...
Dear Gabe,
As I sit here trying my best to choke back the tears welling up in my eyes, I can't help but be amazed by the irony of this situation. I myself was ,just this second, contemplating how your lovely wife exemplifies these same characteristics. Her generosity is surpassed only by her beauty! Let's face it, big brother, you married WAAAYYYY up! You should consider a career in sales. I digress... Anyway, as I was saying, I was just about to email this heartfelt, sincere, and, also, unmotivated ,byselfish motives sentiment to your wife, however, since I felt it polite to respond to you and say thank you for the compliment, I will simply ask that you pass my feelings on to your, again BEAUTIFUL, wife.

Love, your brother (and brother-in-law) that does not have a Browning 7mm A-Bolt Rifle,
Ah, the love in this family just... well, ya know... it just does!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Isaac's Advent Letter

Cheryl has been doing a daily activity with Isaac that follows advent. Each day they open a tiny envelope and find a small card inside. The card each day has an activity that is intended to give Isaac real opportunities to give an love. Today the card asked him to write a letter to me about what he loves about me.

I came home as I normally do. Isaac from his place at the table where they were eating early called to me. "Papa!" And, without much concern for the apparent surprise that it was supposed to be, followed that with, "Go look at your bathroom!" I did and found his letter taped where I would see it over the sink. It said
"1. He wrestles with me
2. Snuggling with him
3. Hugging him
4. He plays with me"
I love my son. He will likely never really understand how much I love him until he has a little blond guy running around his house to wrestle with. But I do know that I'm going to give it my best, anyway.