We've talked about getting a dog before but have never acted on it. Between babies and space issues there have been certain reasons not to get a dog. Then, there is my own personal feelings about owning a dog in the suburbs: In a nutshell - man was not made to walk behind dogs picking up their poo! All that being said, I've given in to the real need that a certain little boy and little girl have for a puppy.
Now, you are all, hereby, swore to secrecy! The Kids won't know about this until Christmas! Many pictures will be taken and we'll have some good video, too! So until then .... Shhhhhh!!!
hey, i've got an already house broken, small to midsize, lovable (occasionally), mild mannered yet hyper, very kid friendly (believe me--see the pics on my blog for proof of what she puts up with savannah), fuzzy, white dog that you can have if you're interested.
[on second thought, that little girl of mine may hurt me if i gave her Abby (aka Babby)away]
I am so excited for you guys! Mikaylin absolutely loves her dogs!! I look forward to hearing about the experience of having the new dog and hearing all the details like what kind of dog you are getting.
I'm excited for you guys. I remember how much you three kids loved Buttons and how much she loved you. I still wish I had back the hours I spent grooming her, though. Then Matt added Bandit to our family. And, Bandit loved Buttons and the rest of us, too.
Do you remember the story re Bandit. Matt came in one day his junior or senior year with a puppy. I was aggravated at him for not asking first and intended on sending Bandit packing. Several days later when I came home from work, I found Don asleep on the couch with that darned puppy asleep on his chest. His paws were up around Don's neck and his head tucked under his chin. I looked at that scene for several minutes realizing that "bonding" had occurred and that there was no way I could undo it. He was ours. Thirteen years later, and he's (that would be Bandit) still my best buddy.
I wouldn't think of taking my walks in the woods without him. Things have changed now. Instead of Bandit running ahead, chasing a rabbit, or chasing cows in the road ahead, he now lags far behind me and I have to stop and wait for him to catch up. I feel so badly for him. He's almost totally deaf and is so stove up with arthritis. We love him, don't we.
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