Sunday, June 22, 2008

SeaDoo Fun

Wow - what a great weekend. We took the singles group out to a local lake and enjoyed the day waterskiing and riding on two jet-skis. Let me tell you - these were no ordinary jet-skis. These were the high-end kind. ...The high-end, blow your hair back kind. ... The high-end, 0-60 in close to 3 seconds, rocket across the water at 70 mph, fear for your life, "man, I wanna buy a jetski" kind. I haven't been blasted forward like that since riding the Greased Lightning at Astroworld as a kid. Wow.

Cheryl took a brief turn in the driver seat but seemed content to let me to the drive. ...So I did my best to make it fun (read "terrifying!") We did laugh a lot and it was a blast! Julia didn't take a turn but Isaac did give it a go. Sadly as choppy as the water

What is really funny is how biased I used to be about them. I used to say things like, "How fun could that be?" and "It would just be like a motorcycle stuck in a big flat parking lot!" Yeah, I was wrong. Ahhh, another expensive hobby! That will have to wait.

Here are a few more pics...

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1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Terrifying?! YES!! I kept repeating the words, "Oh my, I'm going to die!"