Monday, November 19, 2007


Isaac and I enjoyed the first eggnog of the season this weekend. I was in HEB for some quick groceries and, what do you know?! The eggnog was in stock. Not that canned stuff, either. The good stuff. I jumped back in the van with my find and waited for the right moment to reveal it. That time was, of course, almost immediately.

Cheryl was just as excited as I thought she'd be - not at all. But, while she was busy rolling her eyes, Isaac and I made plans to have a glass together right after dinner! I'm proud to report that he likes it! Cheers, Isaac!


Karen said...

You guys are so funny! Well, I'm sure glad that Isaac likes and him can have it all! I'm siding with Cheryl on the subject of eggnog....EWWW!! YUCK!! ;-)

Angela said...

I have to say that I am with you Gabe and that I love eggnog. Yummy.

Jake said...

mmmm. all hail eggnogg.