This weekend, Isaac and I made our maiden voyage into the wilds on his first backpacking trip. What a hoot! With just the two of us and NO agenda, we were able to follow our every whim (Isaac tends to have a few more whims than I do at this point!) We headed to
Enchanted Rock State Natural Area Saturday with our backpacks ready. Normally a one-nighter in warm weather would not require much gear at all, but with storms threatening, and Isaac not quite up to carrying a big load, I shouldered most of our gear. The upside: it was a great chance to use my backpack, which doesn't see near enough of the trail!
For the record, we were doing real backpacking. We hiked out, set up camp and carried all we needed for the 2 days. Isaac thought it was great, but he has not ever done much car-camping to compare it to, so he just thinks this is the "norm" for camping. By the end of the trip, I was convinced that he was hooked ... and that makes me happy!
Click on the slideshow for the full set of pictures...