Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A Snake Tail

Yep, the other day we had a little excitement at the Landes house. As I was walking out the front door with Julia in my arms, I noticed an unusual item down low to the right. As I started to walk out through the screen door I realized it was a snake. Not just any little grass snake. Not just a glimpse of the tail of a snake from a distance. This was a close encounter with a large snake stuck to the side of the house inside the front doorway area ... right where I was walking. Before we go any further, I want it on the record that, although I did scream, it was a manly scream and it bore no resemblance to the scream of a little girl! I also jumped back inside - post haste!

Rather humorously, my first reaction was to get a camera! (We do have some video, too!). Isaac came running and thought the whole thing was cool. I did, too, except for the walking up on it part!

If you don't know this about me yet, I don't like to kill things for no good reason. (Hunting is a good reason, and so is my disdain for coachroaches, mosquitos and ants - no qualms killing those on sight!) So, I called for animal control. The police showed up instead because Animal Control doesn't work on the weekends. What did they do. Kill it. Well, heck! I could've done that. And, I dare say I wouldn't have broken my hoe doing it (yes, they een asked to borrow my tools to do it ... and broke the hoe.) Ah, well. Enough fun for one day!


April said...

i need a website! Can you help me please!

April said...

I need a website, can you help me?

Jake said...

hey, i'm working on our blog page now. it is going to be: www.numerothreelandes.blogspot.com

Jake said...

oh man, you're screening my comments now. what's up with that?

Jake said...

hey, i need some help with my blog format. if you look at it, you can tell that it cuts of part of the the things in the left column, like it doesn't allow it to go wide enough. how can i get it to go wider?

Gabe said...

OK - someone please. Comment on the blog! :-)

April said...

Hey, brother, I have a question about my blog... I flushed twice but it won't go down! What do I do about this monster BLOG!!!!!?

April said...

Another question... Is it possible to remove a comment you've left on someone else's blog so no one else can see it? April explained to me what a blog was and...well...nevermind. Help please.

April said...

Oh... by the way... scary snake.